Welcome to my HOME page!

If you wish to know more about me and my story . . .

Photo: Milos Tancibudek Atelier 13

. . . otherwise just keep scrolling . . .


If you are looking for ways to improve your life just now, but you are not sure how . . .

or if you feel, like there is something very off in your life, you dont’now what it is, but you wish to get back on track now. . .

or if you feel dissatisfied with the way things are going,

maybe I can help . . . you.

Continue reading “PERSONAL COACHING (PCA)”


I am grateful, that I could live all those stories just because I was lucky enough… Now I have plenty of stories I can share with you…

Continue reading “BLOG”


28TH – 29TH MAY 2021, ONLINE DIFFERENT ASPECTS OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY CHILD AND ADULT CLIENT CARE Looking beyond the symptoms of specific learning and behavioural difficulties, under-achievement, emotional and psycho-social problems from the perspective of specialists in educational and healthcare systems and therapeutic practice.


There is big construction going on and Big Tree was cut down. It reminded me of Johnny Cash’s version of epic song titled “hurt“… I am wondering, how the Big Cut Tree would want to change the lyrics, if it was asked to sing its version of “hurt”.